GROUP 16 - Music Video 2008/9: October 2008

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Plans for next lesson

Our plans for next lesson are basically to go out and film the narrative of the musci video again, but this time to really stylize it up, so basically coming in really smart clothes to make the video look as professional as possible.

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Friday, 17 October 2008


In yesterdays lesson we went out with a camera and filmed our performance footage. We set up the hall in quite a dark setting, with lights shining on the piano, to highlight that as the main focus point of the video. We have now uploaded it, and will lip-sync it, and discard the footage we don't want to use.

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Monday, 13 October 2008


>>> Due on
Moodle by 9am Monday 20th October


Part 1 should be about 1500 words in length and should consider the planning, shooting and editing to rough cut stage. You should make use of your blog as a reference point throughout! Where you refer to real examples for comparison, give web references and as much detail as possible e.g. artist/song and video director.


Explain what task you did for the AS production and how this one differs from it.
(e.g. thriller/kids Tv)

Part One
Explain briefly how the work came about and what the tasks were.
(Talk about learning more techniques for final Cut, analysing some real music videos and looking at student examples,talk from promo director, music range of choices, etc)

Which band/artist did your group choose and why?
(give some positive reasons here)

How did you ‘pitch’ for them?
(summarise briefly)

Where did you get your ideas from? Cite actual examples as shown on your blog!

What tasks had to be done in the research and planning phase? How were these handled and what could have been done to improve them?
(talk about storyboarding, animatic, organising places, props, equipment, people)

How did the group come to decisions about approaches to the tasks to be completed? (what range of options did you consider and why did you opt for the choices you made?)

What roles did the various people in the group take on? Concentrate particularly on your role in the various activities.

Talk about any test footage you shot. What did you learn from doing these tests and from the animatic?

Write about the shoot. What went well/badly? what could you have done differently?

Consider your early editing and how you reached the rough cut stage. Outline this process and discuss decision-making you undertook.

What does the group feel about the rough cut? What feedback have you had from director/ other students etc? what still needs to be done?


Friday, 10 October 2008

Rough Cut

Our rough cut is a bit behind but oh well, enjoy :P.

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Yesterday we went out and got some of the non-performance footage for our video, we got quite a lot of footage so we will have plenty and will be able to cut what we need.

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Friday, 3 October 2008

Location Shots

These are some still shots of the hall which we hope will be our location for the piano shots, which will be a main focus in the video. Obviously the chairs won't be there in the video.

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Thursday, 2 October 2008

Class feedback

Our main feedback was just adding more detailed and developed ideas to our blog...also adding photos and a shot list
